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Killiney History | July 27, 2024

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Killiney Park House

4 January 2024 |

Listings from Thom’s Directory can be viewed hereRead More

Glenmalure previously Mon Abri

4 January 2024 |

Listings from Thom’s Directory hereRead More

Shanganagh Grove previously Ballybrack Grove

4 January 2024 |

Listings from Thom’s Directory can be viewed hereRead More

Temple Hill

4 January 2024 |

Thom’s Directory listings hereRead More


4 January 2024 |

Read about Wyvern hereRead More

The French are on the Sea

7 December 2023 |

For those of you who may have missed the recent talk by Pól Ó Duibhir you can watch it here. His informative and highly entertaining history on the background and implementation of the maritime defences along Killiney Bay in the early 19th century is a must see.Read More

10 Houses added

30 November 2023 |

Holding pages for 10 houses with Thom’s Directory listings have been added this month. Further information will follow in due course. If you have any information you would like to share on these houses please contact us.Read More

Glen Druid

30 November 2023 |

Thom’s Directory listings hereRead More


30 November 2023 |

Thom’s Directory listings hereRead More