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Killiney History | July 27, 2024

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AddressKilliney Hill Road
Exists todayYes
On 1888 mapYes
Last Modified: 04 Jan 2024 | author

Holding page for Templeville

Further information will appear here as time allows

1834Rev. Charles Sleater, Killiney (no house name provided)Watson’s almanack 1834
1837‘Templeville’ appears on O.S. ‘fair plan’ mapO.S. Map
1847Rev. Charles Sleater, Templeville, KillineyThoms
1850-58Rev. Charles Sleater, A.M. perpetual curate, Killiney Church, TemplevilleThoms, Ballybrack
1866-68Rev. Charles Sleater, Templeville, KillineyThoms
1870Rev. J.B. Radcliffe
1877-1907Frederick R. Rambaut EsqThoms, Killiney
1910-12Mrs. Rambaut
1917-43The Misses Rambaut
1947-60G. Rice

Peter Pearson says

Temple Ville, which stands just to the north of Druid Lodge, is one of Killiney’s few Georgian-style houses, and is historically interesting for once having been used as a church. Indeed, a curious feature of its chimney stack is a small, arched opening which may once have housed a bell. Church services were held here until the opening of St Matthias’s Church, Ballybrack, in 1835. The house is a five-bay, two-storey, non-basement residence with dormer windows. The interior exhibits typical late-Georgian features such as a narrow cornice and six-panelled doors.