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Killiney History | July 27, 2024

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Monthly Archives: January 2022

Bayview-Killiney Stores

31 January 2022 |

From 1900 to 1921 Bay View was the location of the Killiney Telephone Exchange when it was engulfed in fire and destroyed during an incident which occurred during The War of IndependenceRead More

Mount Mapas

27 January 2022 |

Mount Mapas was the first house to be built on Victoria Road and the southern end of the Vico Road. Read More

Kilda Lodge

26 January 2022 |

Mia Cranwill was an Irish designer and metal artist, and was one of the leading artists of the Irish Celtic Revival. She lived in the lodge which she called Drum-Goibhneann in the 1920’s to 1930’s.Read More

The Kiosk, Killiney Village

25 January 2022 |

Kernan’s Corner was a small kiosk at the Killiney bus terminus providing refreshments, ‘pure cream ices’ and other confectionery treats Read More

The Book of Dun Laoghaire

3 January 2022 |

Edited by John O’Sullivan and Séamus Cannon, 1987

We transcribe here the list of contents of this most valuable contribution to the recording of the history and heritage of the … Read More