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Killiney History | July 27, 2024

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Glenalua Road

The Killiney Estate of the Talbots de Malahide

6 May 2023 |

This article follows on from a recent talk about the Killiney houses of the Talbot Estate and provides further information on the history of the Talbot Estate in Killiney and Tasmania.Read More

Talbot Cottages

1 May 2022 |

In 1912 the demolition of 9 sub-standard cottages on Talbot Road paved the way for the construction of Nos.1-5 Talbot CottagesRead More

Glenalua Lodge

8 March 2022 |

The earliest reference to this property appears on the 1843 Ordnance Survey map where the house is called Derrynane Lodge. The exact date of the erection of the house is unknown but it was one of the first significant residences to be built on Glenalua RoadRead More

Ulysses-the Killiney connection…

2 February 2022 |

“Wouldn’t mind being a waiter in a swell hotel. Tips, evening dress, halfnaked ladies. May I tempt you to a little more filleted lemon sole, miss Dubedat? Yes, do bedad. And she did bedad. Huguenot name I expect that. A miss Dubedat lived in Killiney, I remember. Du, de la, French”.Read More

The Whins

20 December 2021 |

This house, now called The Rocks, at the end of Glenalua Road has gone through many name changes. When first built in 1912 for J.M. Mitchell, it’s architect owner, it … Read More

The Rise and Fall of Francis DuBedat

30 November 2021 |

This meticulously researched study of the Dublin Huguenot family of Du Bedat is a fascinating portrayal of the real history behind the name immortalised by George Bernard Shaw in The Doctor’s Dilemma. The name Du Bedat is frequently found in Dublin Huguenot records and several family headstones are preserved in the recently restored Huguenot Cemetery in Merrion Row, Dublin.Read More

Gone but not forgotten (Part 1)

29 October 2021 |

This is the first of a number of articles which we plan to publish over the next few months recording the houses and other buildings which are no longer with us but which formed part of the vanishing fabric of Killiney. Read More

Glenalua Terrace

9 October 2021 |

The set-piece design of the terrace is symmetrical in layout with the central single storey houses book-ended by the two storey gables of houses 1 and 6. The design is unusual in that access is provided via a raised pedestrian walkway which was determined by the sloping nature of the site and the underlying rock upon which it is built. Read More

Glenalua House

11 April 2021 |

Now known as Mount Prospect this house dates from c. 1847. The plot appears as open ground on the 1837 and 1843 Ordnance Survey maps. The name/date plaque on the … Read More