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Killiney History | July 27, 2024

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Killiney Village

Killiney on the Move – Photo Gallery

30 May 2024 |

View the photo gallery of images from our ‘Killiney on the Move’ event which took place on 25th-26th May 2024.Read More

The Killiney Estate of the Talbots de Malahide

6 May 2023 |

This article follows on from a recent talk about the Killiney houses of the Talbot Estate and provides further information on the history of the Talbot Estate in Killiney and Tasmania.Read More

Looking back at Killiney

12 April 2023 |

Killiney Village Residents Association is delighted to announce the return of the historical photographic exhibition which was first presented back in 2015. The exhibition took place over the weekend of … Read More

Druid’s Chair Public House

1 December 2022 |

One of the earliest mentions of commercial activity in Killiney Village mentions a public house owned by a Thomas Mooney. We believe this premises was located on the site now occupied by The Druid’s Chair PubRead More

The Merchants, Traders and Inn-Keepers of Killiney Village in bygone times.

16 November 2022 |

On 22nd November Michael McShane gave a presentation on ‘The Merchants, Traders and Inn-Keepers of Killiney Village in bygone times’. This presentation was hosted by Killiney Village Residents Association and … Read More

Civil War attacks in Killiney 1922 by Hugh Comerford

31 August 2022 |

As the attacks on the postal, telephone, rail and roads systems increased, the Free State government decided to establish a post or barracks in the Killiney area using the house known as Glenalua House (now Mount Prospect) in the village of Killiney.Read More

Bayview-Killiney Stores

31 January 2022 |

From 1900 to 1921 Bay View was the location of the Killiney Telephone Exchange when it was engulfed in fire and destroyed during an incident which occurred during The War of IndependenceRead More

The Kiosk, Killiney Village

25 January 2022 |

Kernan’s Corner was a small kiosk at the Killiney bus terminus providing refreshments, ‘pure cream ices’ and other confectionery treats Read More

Victoria Arms Hotel

11 January 2021 |

The hotel not only offered accommodation but also ‘First class groceries and provisions. The best brands of wines and spirits. Guinness Stout on bottle and draught. Luncheons, Dinners, Teas and Refreshments.’Read More