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Killiney History | July 27, 2024

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Monthly Archives: June 2022

Killiney Strand

30 June 2022 |

This article pulls together a wealth of information, gathered from a variety of sources, which are all related to the history of Killiney Strand.Read More


20 June 2022 |

The published 1843 OS map shows a horseshoe symbol outside this building which would confirm this as the original location of the forge which later relocated to the adjoining Mountain View. Read More

Mr. Farrell’s Yard and Forge, Killiney

9 June 2022 |

A newspaper auction notice, dated 15th August 1873, brought our attention to the existence of a Forge run by a Mr. Farrell in Killiney. No address was provided but further investigation confirmed the location at a property called Mountain View on Killiney RoadRead More

Martello Tower Number Seven

1 June 2022 |

This post is dedicated to the memory of Niall O’Donoghue who painstakingly restored the tower to it’s former glory. Niall sadly passed away on the 8th of May 2022.Read More