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Killiney History | July 27, 2024

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Monthly Archives: April 2021

Torching of Ballybrack RIC Barracks May 1920

27 April 2021 |

The destruction of the Ballybrack Barrack was carried out in a cool and daring manner. Over a year ago the police were withdrawn from the barrack and transferred to Cabinteely but Mrs Hurst, the wife of Sergeant Hurst, and four of her family resided in the house.Read More

Search Map

14 April 2021 |

Interactive map to search for houses and places of interestRead More

Glenalua House

11 April 2021 |

Now known as Mount Prospect this house dates from c. 1847. The plot appears as open ground on the 1837 and 1843 Ordnance Survey maps. The name/date plaque on the … Read More


10 April 2021 |

Reenavanna and it’s neighbour, Carraig Donn, were designed by the renowned architect Michael Scott for Col. B. J. Fagan and his family. The two houses were designed in the International … Read More

Opening Vico Road

2 April 2021 |

Public access to Killiney Hill Park and the Vico Road which we now take for granted is only a relatively recent development. The troubled history of the various attempts of … Read More