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Killiney History | July 27, 2024

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The Houses

Killiney History Book Launches at the Dalkey Book Festival 2024

27 June 2024 |

A history book about Killiney and the surrounding areas of Dalkey, Shankill and Ballybrack recently launched at the Dalkey Book Festival, in June 2024. The book is called Abbey Lea, A Killiney HistoryRead More

Donard (previously Lecarrow) & Lismara

4 January 2024 |

Listings from Thom’s Directory can be read hereRead More

Druid Lodge

4 January 2024 |

Listings from Thom’s Directory appear hereRead More

Dorset Lodge

4 January 2024 |

Listings from Thom’s Directory appear hereRead More

Killiney Park House

4 January 2024 |

Listings from Thom’s Directory can be viewed hereRead More

Glenmalure previously Mon Abri

4 January 2024 |

Listings from Thom’s Directory hereRead More

Shanganagh Grove previously Ballybrack Grove

4 January 2024 |

Listings from Thom’s Directory can be viewed hereRead More

Temple Hill

4 January 2024 |

Thom’s Directory listings hereRead More


4 January 2024 |

Read about Wyvern hereRead More