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Killiney History | July 27, 2024

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Killiney & Ballybrack houses in 1837

5 August 2023 |

This article explores the earliest houses of Killiney and Ballybrack as existing in 1837. This snapshot in time records the status of development prior to the coming of the railway which changed sleepy old Killiney forever.Read More

The Goodman Family of Loughlinstown

2 July 2023 |

The Goodmans acted as “warden of the marches” protecting the southern border of the Pale from raids and incursions of the Wicklow Septs, the O’Byrnes and the O’Tooles.Read More

Name changes of Killiney and Ballybrack houses over the years

27 May 2023 |

Tracing the names of the owners and occupiers of the larger houses of Killiney and Ballybrack is greatly helped by the listings provided in Thom’s and other Directories. However it is not always a simple task.Read More

The Killiney Estate of the Talbots de Malahide

6 May 2023 |

This article follows on from a recent talk about the Killiney houses of the Talbot Estate and provides further information on the history of the Talbot Estate in Killiney and Tasmania.Read More


1 April 2023 |

Tony Plunkett has written a comprehensive and incredibly well researched history of his family connection to Montebello during the Plunkett/Kirkwood era of 1868 to 1918 Read More

The houses and residents of Killiney & Ballybrack in 1858

1 March 2023 |

The arrival of the Railway in Killiney in 1854 greatly improved travel time to the city, reducing it to about 25 minutes. This heralded an explosion of residential and commercial development in the area and led to significant changes in the road layouts. Read More

The Brack

1 February 2023 |

The Brack is a social history of the south county Dublin suburb of Ballybrack. It tells the story of its people from the time it was a small rural village on the edge of Dublin through the development of the thousands of local authority houses in the 1970s and 80sRead More

Killiney Ancient Church – Cill Iníon Léinín

1 January 2023 |

It seems appropriate that any account of Killiney should begin with a description of the venerable building from which it derives its name and identity.Read More

Druid’s Chair Public House

1 December 2022 |

One of the earliest mentions of commercial activity in Killiney Village mentions a public house owned by a Thomas Mooney. We believe this premises was located on the site now occupied by The Druid’s Chair PubRead More