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Killiney History | July 27, 2024

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talbot estate

Killiney Hill Park

1 February 2024 |

The recent opening of the upgraded entrance to Killiney Hill Park prompted us to delve into the history of the park and to record here the other milestones which form the early history of the hill and surrounding district, in particular the official opening of Victoria Park (as it was then known) in 1887. Read More

The Goodman Family of Loughlinstown

2 July 2023 |

The Goodmans acted as “warden of the marches” protecting the southern border of the Pale from raids and incursions of the Wicklow Septs, the O’Byrnes and the O’Tooles.Read More

The Killiney Estate of the Talbots de Malahide

6 May 2023 |

This article follows on from a recent talk about the Killiney houses of the Talbot Estate and provides further information on the history of the Talbot Estate in Killiney and Tasmania.Read More

Beechwood House

8 January 2021 |

Beechwood House, which had been built by 1787, stood on a narrow site at the bottom of Ballinclea Road. A five-windowed, two-storey-over-basement house, it appears to have been remodelled in Victorian timesRead More

Ballinclea House

7 January 2021 |

Ballinclea House stood between Bellevue Park and Roche’s Hill on the east side of Ballinclea Road, but was demolished during the 1950s. It was an attractive late-Georgian house, built about 1800, with double bows.Read More

Plasnewyd or Rock Lodge

2 January 2021 |

Map of 1866

Now demolished, this significant 18th Century house, had a Welsh name (Plas Newydd) which translates to ‘posh new house’ and was a popular name for houses of … Read More