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Killiney History | July 27, 2024

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Posts By historian


30 December 2020 |

And who is there that has visited Killiney, and ascended its summit, that has not felt gratified and pleased at being allowed to rest his wearied limbs, after toiling up the hill, in the little reception room in the obelisk,Read More

Duke of Dorset Monument

29 December 2020 |

A more fitting tribute might have been to have quoted from the hundred and twelve line poem which Byron wrote to the Duke when he was the poet’s fag at Harrow.Read More

Lewis’s Topographical Dictionary 1837

21 November 2020 |


In 1837 Samuel Lewis, who ran a publishing business in London, produced his monumental two-volumed topographical dictionary of Ireland. This dictionary was accompanied by an atlas of the counties … Read More