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Killiney History | March 12, 2025

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The houses and residents of Killiney & Ballybrack in 1858

The houses and residents of Killiney & Ballybrack in 1858
Last Modified: 25 Apr 2023 | author


The arrival of the Railway in Killiney in 1854 greatly improved travel time to the city, reducing it to about 25 minutes. This heralded an explosion of residential and commercial development in the area and led to significant changes in the road layouts. The first Killiney Station, Obelisk Hill Station, was located just below the pedestrian bridge leading to White Rock beach. This only survived for a few years before being relocated to the bottom of Strathmore Road which was a much more accessible location. The original Ballybrack Station was located at the bottom of Military Road where it meets Seafield Road near Holy Child School. Due to poor access this stop was also relocated to the lower end of Seafield Road before both stations were combined at the current Killiney/Ballybrack Station location in 1882.

Up to this stage development had been mostly limited to Killiney Hill Road which was the main thoroughfare in the area. The number of houses in the 1858 Post Office Directory was just 33 for Killiney and 32 for Ballybrack. By 1868 the figures had nearly doubled to 59 and 63 respectively. In this article we have transcribed the lists and where house names have changed the current name is provided. Houses highlighted in the list have corresponding articles on this website which give further detail on both the houses and the residents. As time allows further articles will be made available, any information would be greatly appreciated.

A View of Killiney Bay by Bartholomew Colles Watkins 1858. Mount Eagle on the Vico Road can be seen in the foreground.

Listings from The Post Office Dublin Directory and Calendar for 1858


OccupantHouse name as listedCurrent name (if changed)
Allen, Captain Luke Saintbury
Boylan, Geo. esq. Wellington HouseBalure
Byrne, Mr. JohnShanganagh Terrace
Cheator, J. esq. MarinoAbbey Lea
Clarke, Andrew, esq. The DiamondKilliney Village
Clarke, John, grocer, tea, wine, and spirit merchant, and letterreceiverPost OfficeKilliney Village
Comyns, J. R. esq. Eagle lodgeLater Urney and now Gleneagles
Dobbs, Wm. C. M.P. Ashurst, and 21 Fitzwilliam place
Dowling, William D. esq. Ivy lodge
Fagan, The MissesUplands
Farrell, Michl. farrier Mountain View (no longer exists)Mr. Farrell’s Yard & Forge
FitzGerald, John, esq. The Grove
Fitzgerald, The Right Hon. John D. M. P. Attorney General for Ireland Kilmarnock
Gaynor, Captain Killiney House
Hasler, Frederick H. H M.D. M.R.C.S. &c. medical attendantKilliney Dispensary
Hasler, Fred. M.D. surgeon. Belair
Huddleston, J. A. esq. Merton Lodge (no longer exists)Ballycarbery
Jebb, Robert, esq. counsel to Inland Revenue and Customs Desmond, and 80 Middle Abbey-streetPadua
Jones, H. Montray, esq. Bellvue Park
Keogh, Mr. Christr. Seaview Cottage?
Killiney Coast Guard Station
Larney, B. Victoria TavernKilliney Village
McGrath, Geo. esq. Kilmore Cottage
McGuire, F. Erin Cottage?
Mackie, Thomas, esq. ParkKilliney Park House
Mullin, Miss Woodbine cottage
O’Hara, William, esq. Druid lodge
O’Neill, Colonel Fortal
Parker, Frederick Saintbay, esq. J.P.SaintburySaintbury
Parry, Captain NevilleThe CottageSt. Mary’s
Robinson, Samuel, esq. Spring Hill?
Robinson, The Misses
Russell, Mr. John teacherSchool
Sheills, Charles, esq. Anglesea (no longer exists)
Sleater, Rev. Charles Temple Ville
Stanley, Mr. PatrickDorset lodgeSt.Declans
Talbot, The Hon. Richard Ballinclea
Turner, JohnVintnerKilliney Village
Warren, Greaves S. solicitor ? and 40 Rutland-square
Warren, Robert, solicitorKilliney Castle, and 40 Rutland-square, west
Warren, Robert, jun. bar. J.P. Victoria Castle, and 40 Rutland-square, westAyesha Castle
Warren, Rev. Saml. P. Killiney Castle, and 39 Rutland-square
Waterhouse, Samuel, esq. GlenaluaGlenalua Lodge
Waterhouse, Mrs. G. Kilmore House
Holy Trinity Church Killiney which was built in 1858. This view of 1867 is taken from the grounds of Mount Auburn. Courtesy of Holy Trinity Church.


OccupantHouse name as listedCurrent name (if changed)
Alley, George esq. Clarina Cottage
Atkinson, The Misses Firgrove
Atkinson, Miss3 Shanganagh Terrace
Barnes, Captain William Edenhill
Betham, Miss Martello Lodge
Boylan, George, esq. Wellington HouseBalure
Byrne, Mrs. RoseEdenville
Casey, P. Grocer
Cavanagh, Mr. Bartholomew Cavanagh Cottage
Charles, Lieutenant R.N.
Farrell, Mr. Luke Percy Lodge
Ferguson, Hugh, esq. Cottage
Field, William, grocerRose Cottage
Fleming, Richard, car owner
Fitzgerald, Right Hon John David QC MF Attorney General KilmarnockHaldane Grange
Harold, Rev. Jn. RCC Eden Hill Cottage
Hone, Brindley solicitor and proctor
Hurley, W., grocer & letter receiver
Jameson, Thos, sol. clerk of the crown & returning officer for county Carlow Ballybrack Lodge later known as Egremont and now called Ballinacor HouseBallinacor House
Kavanagh, Thomas, poulterer
Mackie, Thomas, esq. Rockfield
Serjeant Berks, gunner in chargeMartello TowerMartello Tower No.7
Milling, William, esq. Streamville
Mooney, Mr. Ballybrack House
Moyston, Thomas, crown solicitor
Murphy, Edward, esq.EdwardvilleMafra
Murphy, Michael, esq. St. GermansObelisk Cottage
Murphy, Mr. Thos. W. Rainsford lodge
O’Connor, C.A. esq. Lotavilla
Patten, William, esq. Streamville Cottage
Pilkington, George, esq. Albany
Reilly, James, Mr.Wyattville and Laurelville
Reily, John, provision dealer
Rooney, James, Alderman & merchant Victoria Lodge
Seed, Stephen, esq. crown solicitor for Meath and KildareSarahvilleMoorefield
Sleater, Charles, Rev. perpetual curate (Killiney Church) of Cabinteely Templeville
Stanley, Mr. Patrick
Stanley, Thomas, car owner
Symes, A.S., commandr, RN
Toole, Joseph, esq.
Turner, John, vintner
Waldron, Lawrence, bar. MP JP Ridge Hall
Walpole, Edward, esq. EvergreenCedar Lodge?
West, James, esq. Ballybrack GroveShanganagh Grove