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Killiney History | July 27, 2024

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9 more houses added January 2024

9 more houses added January 2024
Last Modified: 28 May 2024 | author

Holding pages for 9 houses with Thom’s Directory listings have been added this month. Further information will follow in due course. If you have any information you would like to share on these houses please contact us by clicking on the ‘Contact’ tab above.

We now have pages for over 60 hoses in the locality and you can see the full listing here: HOUSES

You can also search for a house using our interactive map feature by clicking on the ‘Search Map’ menu option above. Find a house by typing it’s name or scroll around the map to see highlighted links to houses which have been covered to date.

The houses which have been added are (click to view):

Donard (previously Lecarrow) and Lismara

Dorset Lodge

Druid Lodge

Glenmalure (previously Mon Abri)

Killiney Park House

Shanganagh Grove (previously Ballybrack Grove)

Temple Hill
