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Killiney History | March 6, 2025

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Mr. Farrell’s Yard and Forge, Killiney

Mr. Farrell’s Yard and Forge, Killiney
NameMountain View
AddressKilliney Road
On 1888 mapYes
Last Modified: 12 Feb 2024 | author

Mountain View, Killiney Road

Newspaper notice of 15th August 1873

A newspaper auction notice, dated 15th August 1873, brought our attention the the existence of a Forge run by a Mr. Farrell in Killiney. No address was provided but further investigation confirmed the location at a property called Mountain View on Killiney Road, next door to Urney at the fork in the road at the junction with Ballinclea Road. Mountain View no longer exists but we have been able to trace its’ history using Thom’s Directory listings, maps and newspaper cuttings.

The list of items for auction give some idea of the type of agricultural and other activities prevalent in the area. We wonder where the Gothic and leaden sashes for a place of worship have ended up!

Map of 1843

Note the horseshoe symbol next to the forge in its’ 1843 location. Coolmeen (now Urney) was called Eagle Lodge at this time

Evidence suggests that the forge was originally located in the grounds of Coolmeen. The forge can be seen in the top left corner in the field north of Coolmeen and adjoining Mountain View. The published 1843 OS map shows a horseshoe symbol outside this building which would confirm this theory. The later 1888 map indicates that the old building was demolished and the plot appears to have been transformed into a walled garden for Urney (Coolmeen). The forge and associated yard was then relocated to the rear of Mountain View with its own access to the main road.

This pre-publication Ordnance Survey map (fair-plan) of 1837, above, clearly shows that apart from Anglesea and Coolmeen very little else existed in this location at this time. In fact, no houses are shown along the entire stretch of Killiney Road from the Ballinclea Road junction up to the Killiney Castle Hotel. This group of 3 houses represent some of the earliest in the district, however only Coolmeen (Urney) has survived. The grounds of Anglesea and Mountain View now form the modern housing estate known as Anglesea Park.

Listings from Thom’s and other sources

YearName of occupantSource/comment
1834Joseph Farrell, smith & farrierLocation provided is Coolmeen* (from Watson’s Almanack of 1834)
1837Building indicated on OS map
1847Mr. Michael FarrellMountain View (Thom’s)
1850Sylvester Farrell, BlacksmithKilliney. Bankrupt & Insolvent Calendar
1856Michael Farrell, farrierMountain View
1863Mr. Farrell, blacksmith and farrier of KillineyDied, ‘having seen 106 winters.’ Newspaper article on centenarians
1863Rev. Charles H. MinchinDeath notice. Died aged 78 years at his residence
1866Michael FarrellThe Forge
1867Luke Farrell, car ownerNo location provided
1867William Quinn esq.Mountain View
1873Mr. Farrell’s Yard and ForgeAuction Notice
1874Mrs. Farrell’sMountain View (newspaper advert)
1877-1880Mrs. FarrellMountain View (Thom’s)
1884G.D. Payne esqMountain View
1889Robert PerrinMountain View (Birth notice of a son)
1899Advert for property To Let
1905Notice of Executors sale, Detached Cottage Residence on 4 acres
1910-1932Henry T. BarlowMountain View (Thom’s)
1934-1952Michael J. McGovern, grocerMountain View
1942Francis Hugh MurrellsDeath notice, at his residence. Late of Port and Docks
1951-1952l. AllenMountain View (Killiney Hill Road)
1960Michael J. McGovernMountain View, Killiney Road
1960Louis McGovernMountain View Cottage, Killiney Road

Map of 1888

We have not encountered any reference to ‘Elm Cottage’ and it is assumed that this residence was also called Mountain View Cottage. This would explain multiple occupancies in Thom’s for a number of years.

1933 description of the property

Advert from The Irish Times dated 14th January, 1933.

Mountain View

THIS CHARMING RESIDENCE, STANDING ON ABOUT 4 ½  ACRES The House is a 2-storey Residence, containing drawing-room, 4 bedrooms, bathroom, hot and cold supply, lavatory, kitchen, close range, copper cylinder, pantry, scullery, mangle room. Cottage at rear, having 2 rooms, kitchen, pantry, etc., separated from main building but with a connecting door. Outside there is a large coach-house or garage, conservatory, etc.

Farm Yard adjoining comprises Building with two living rooms, 3-stall stable, loose box and coach-house, hen runs, cow byre with 3 tyings, walled-in garden with fruit trees, 3 greenhouses, flower garden walled-in at side of House, with greenhouse and lavatory.

The entire is in a good state of repair. The gate piers are in first class order. Excellent water supply. The Lands are well fenced and laid out. Side entrance to main road. The property is held under an indenture of sub-lease for a term of ninety-nine years from 18th September, 1880, subject to the annual rent of £35 0s. 0d. The Poor Law Valuation of the entire is £23 10s. 0d. Clear possession will be given the purchaser on completion. THE ENTIRE FURNITURE AND OUTDOOR EFFECTS WILL BE SOLD immediately after the Sale of the Interest in the Lease.