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Killiney History | February 22, 2025

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Druid Lodge

Druid Lodge
NameDruid Lodge
Previous NamesPossibly Mount Druid
AddressKilliney Hill Road
Year Builtpre 1777
Exists todayYes
On 1888 mapYes
Last Modified: 04 Jan 2024 | author

Holding page for Druid Lodge

Further information will appear here as time allows

Owners and Occupiers of Druid Lodge over the years

1777Peter WilsonTaylor & Skinner Map (Mount Druid)
1810Mr. FarrelCompton Domville Lease map
1837Druid LodgeOS ‘fair plan’ map
1847-66William O’Hara EsqThoms
1866J.B. Dillon bar MP
1867-68Chas Hart Esq
1870William Daly
1877V.B. Dllon Esq
1880-84Joseph Anderson Esq
1887-1900Wellington Gray, brigade surgeon, Bombay Army
1907Michael Crowley Esq
1910-17George B. Symes stockbroker
1920-36Walter Philips
1940 Vacant
1943-1960Desmond McAteer

Peter Pearson says

Druid Lodge was built in the 1830s but was greatly enlarged some thirty years later by the addition of a new block to the front. This extension, with its rendered walls, projecting pilastered porch and fine Victorian interiors, gave the house new views over Killiney Bay. The plasterwork cornices with their ivy leaf motif, the ceiling roses and the woodwork are all of great quality. In its grounds is a curious stone structure, known as the ‘spite tower’, which is said to have been built close to the neighbouring house in order to cause annoyance! This, however, is probably a myth as the tower was built long before any house appeared on the site of Druid Hill. It is more likely that the Victorian owners of Druid Lodge wished to have a better sea view, and some time in the 1850s they erected this fine castellated granite tower, with windows and a viewing platform.

Landed Estate Court