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Killiney History | September 16, 2024

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Killiney Historical Society Newsletter August 2024

Killiney Historical Society Newsletter August 2024
Last Modified: 31 Jul 2024 | author


Greetings to all our readers and we hope you are having an enjoyable summer. We have plenty of activities lined up this month to coincide with the summer of heritage and we look forward to seeing many of you over the next few weeks.

Dates for your diary

Sunday 11th August at 3.00pm. Guided tour of Martello Tower No.7 on Killiney Hill Road.

Philip O’Donoghue, son of Niall O’Donoghue who restored the tower, has kindly invited us to take a tour of the tower and grounds. This visit will include a brief presentation covering the history of the maritime defences along Killiney Bay and a rare opportunity to get inside this magnificent structure. If you would like to attend please contact us by sending a message via the CONTACT button above.

Martello Tower No.7

Monday 19th August at 7.30pm. The Earliest Railways of Dalkey and Killiney.

This talk by Michael McShane will take place in Dalkey Heritage Centre as part of the summer of heritage programme. Places for this talk need to be reserved and you can do so here:

The Kingstown-Dalkey Atmospheric Railway was the earliest railway connection to Dalkey and officially opened on 29th March 1844. It was another ten years before the line was extended to Killiney and beyond. This talk by Michael McShane, chair of Killiney Historical Society, sets out the background to the arrival of the railway and the interesting history of its evolution dating back to the opening of the Dublin and Kingstown Railway in 1834.

Tuesday 20th August. Guided tour of Malahide village and Castle.

The Talbot de Malahide family who resided in Malahide Castle have strong links to Killiney and were landlords to much of Killiney village and surrounding area for a considerable time. Brian Dooley of Malahide Historical Society has kindly invited us on a guided walk of the village and Castle and this promises to be a unique opportunity to learn about the Talbot family and the greater history of Malahide.

Our provisional itinerary is as follows:

10.00amMeet at Killiney DART Station1-1.5 hrs
11.30amGuided tour of Malahide Village1hr
12.30pmVisit MHS museum in grounds of castle30mins
1.00pmLunch in Avoca in castle grounds, alternative options are available1hr
2.00pmGuided tour of Malahide Castle1hr
3.30pmDepart Malahide DART Station for Killiney1hr

If you are interested in joining us on this tour please send a message to Michael McShane HERE and register your interest. We would like to get an idea on numbers as soon as possible to make the necessary arrangements.

Friday 23rd August. Summer of Heritage Walks.

This is walk number 3 by local historian Alice Cullen, supported by Mary Holohan, Mark Heaton and Michael McShane which is part of the DLR Summer of Heritage programme of events. This walk will take us via the Burmah Road to visit the Dalkey quarries and then on to Ardbrugh Labourers Village, the Metals, Torca Road and back to Killiney Park along “The Green Road”. This walk will take place at 7pm meeting at Killiney Hill Tea Rooms. Max capacity is 25 people per walk, duration 90 minutes. No dogs please.

Killiney Hill Park Walk by Alice on 26th July 2024

Other news

Cill Iníon Léinín – Killiney Ancient Church site restoration

The grounds of the Cill Iníon Léinín heritage site became overgrown while we were waiting for the wall to be repaired. Now that the wall and gate-arch have been beautifully restored, the site needed an extra effort to bring it back to the condition it was in prior to the closure.

Brian McBryan Chairman of the Committee for the preservation & maintenance of Cill Iníon Léinín Ancient Church & Graveyard says they are hoping to re-open the site fully at the start of September. Volunteers kindly gave of their time over 3 nights from 16th-18th July.

This was a great opportunity for members of our local community to visit the site before it formally re-opens. When the site is fully restored, it requires minimal effort to keep it in good condition, so thanks to all who took part.

Brian McBryan and the hard working volunteers take a well deserved rest

Abbey Lea – A Killiney History

Pippa McIntosh’s excellent book on the history of Abbey Lea, previously Marino and now the Australian Ambassador’s Residence, is still available to purchase online for €65.00 (hardback, 1.3kg) and if you live in the Killiney area, select ‘local pickup’ at checkout for free delivery

St. George’s on view

St. George’s is a wonderful Arts and Crafts/Gothic Revival house located on St. George’s Avenue, Killiney. It was built in the 1870s by George Coppinger Ashlin, a former pupil and later partner of Edward Welby Pugin, son of Augustus Pugin who played a primary role in initiating the Gothic revival style of architecture. Augustus Pugin designed the Houses of Parliament in Westminster. He also designed the hall ceiling, staircase and gallery in Adare Manor, County Limerick.

The house is available to view during the month of August from 9am-1pm Fee: adult €5 OAP/student/child €3.50. Further information is available HERE

You can also read the article on St. George’s HERE