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Killiney History | February 11, 2025

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About KHS

Killiney Historical Society was established on 3rd October 2023 and is an initiative of Killiney Village Residents Association.

Following on from the success of the historical weekend which was held in the village earlier in the summer of 2023 it was felt that there would be broad support for setting up a more permanent arrangement to coordinate all aspects of historical relevance to the village and the wider area. Much work has already been done including the ‘Looking Back at Killiney’ project of 2015. This can be built upon and is a very important resource which is now held in Dun Laoghaire Library.


Mission: To collect, archive and disseminate all forms of historical records pertaining to the Killiney area. Written, verbal, photographic etc. Interviews with some of the older residents have already taken place.

Scope: The area to be covered includes the wider Killiney/Ballybrack area and will possibly extend beyond, given the historical development of the area.

Audience: Although primarily focusing on the residents of the district the opportunity exists to reach a worldwide audience. The internet gives access to the Diaspora who we will reach out to. We also intend to arrange homecoming events over the coming years.

Format of Society: A number of people have signed up to organise and help out at future events, to do guided walks, collect information, carry out interviews with older residents etc. Michael McShane is happy to act as coordinator at this juncture and welcomes ideas/input from as many people as possible.

Meetings: Regular meetings and talks will take place on the first Tuesday of each month in the upstairs lounge of The Druid’s Chair Pub. Keep an eye on our events page for updates.

Talks: We will be inviting a number of guest speakers to give talks to the Society. Local residents and anyone with an interest in local history are welcome to attend these talks. Our website, KVRA newsletter and WhatsApp group will be updated with the latest schedule of talks. There will be an entrance fee of €5.00 for talks payable at the door.

Guided walks and visits to buildings: We are putting together a programme of guided visits to houses and monuments in the area. Dates and venues will be advertised in advance. We also plan heritage walks and trails to allow visitors and residents a chance to explore the historical aspects of Killiney and surrounding areas.

Publications: We plan to publish an annual historical journal and we invite contributors to provide articles of interest for inclusion. This website will be updated on a regular basis with news, programme of talks and events and an archive of available material for those interested in local history.

Workshops: A series of workshops is planned which will cover topics including map reading, the deciphering of deeds, historical and genealogical sources etc.

Junior groups: The society actively promotes the involvement of the younger generation in historical events and gatherings. There will be a junior coordinator appointed to manage these events.

Support: Funding for events and publications is being provided by the Heritage Department of Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council and we are very grateful for this support. Individuals who would like to contribute funds can do so via the payment options above or contact us directly.