KHS Open Night, Tuesday 4th March
Killiney Historical Society Open Night
Please join us for a casual get together where you can meet like minded locals who share a passion for local history and the rich and diverse abundance of heritage which we have on our doorstep. This event takes place in the upstairs lounge of the Druid’s Chair Pub in Killiney village at 8.00pm on 4th March. Admission is free and open to all.
BRING This will be an informal gathering and we invite you to bring along items of historical interest to share with other attendees including: Photos, Prints/Paintings, Maps, Drawings, Newspaper articles, Books, Memorabilia etc
MAPS We will be displaying some interesting maps of the area covering a wide range of eras. Get to see what your neighbourhood was like before development accelerated after the arrival of the railway in 1854.
ASK A QUESTION If you have any specific questions you would like answered please send us an email in advance of the meeting and we will do our best to have results for you on the night.
SUGGESTIONS We are open to hearing your suggestions about future events and talks which we plan for the coming year.
PROJECTS We have a number of plans for historical related projects in the area and if you would like to participate or lead a specific project we would be delighted to hear from you.
KHS JOURNAL 2025 We are calling for articles for this years Journal and will be happy to discuss ideas on the night.
Appeal for information.
Two of our readers have asked for any information on the following:
Bernard Cottage, Talbot Road. Any information on this house and its past residents would be most useful to a reader who has traced his family ancestry back to this house. He is currently working on an article which we will publish in our 2025 journal later in the year.
Glen Cottage, Glenalua Road. If anyone has old photographs of Glenalua Road and in particular Glen Cottage we would be delighted to see them.
If you have any information you would like to share re the above please join us on the night or send a message via the CONTACT button at the top of this page.
We are now inviting membership of Killiney Historical Society. Becoming a member supports the KHS and allows us to continue with the aims of the Society. Individual membership is only €15 for the year, or €20 for a family of two adults. Click this LINK to join.